Icon Pack for your Axure Projects

This is a Widget Library for Axure built with the new pen tool introduced with version 8.0 of the prototyping software. Since I love using icons in my prototypes, I was a little psyched when I read about the new vector tool in Axure 8.0. So I started a personal library with icons I used the most and it grew to a respectful number of entries which can be used for several use cases. At some point, I thought to share it with some other folks that it might be useful for. So, have fun with it!

Download Icon Pack

The library is built entirely out of vectors. Thus, it's fully resizable and will always be crisp at any size. You can give it any color you'd like or add outlines on any individual icon. If you're familiar with the pen tool you can even edit it and give it your custom style.


Why is this particular icon I'm looking for missing?

When I started this little project I made a short list of icons and descriptive images I used the most on my daily business. Then I added some points I thought would be useful in the future or for other persons' work. Finally, the result is the over 200 icons you see in front of you. I'm sure, there's probably a use case I haven't considered and I would love to hear from you if you have a special wish for this library. I'll consider adding it in the future. Thanks!

How do I install/add the Axure library?

Download and open the Zip-file. Copy the .rplib-file into your local library folder and done! Open Axure and you'll see now the name of the library in your widget dropdown. Alternatively open Axure, click on the little Menu-Icon of your widget panel and click on 'Load library...'.

How do I use the library?

As with any other widgets in Axure, just load the library in the Widget Panel. Then drag and drop the desired Icon onto your workspace. Once placed you can resize the icons on any scale and color them any color you'd like. If you're familiar with the pen tool you can also edit the vector points if you like to give your prototype your personal style.

Version History

Since I'm using this library by own on a daily basis, I will tweak the library and add some more icons constantly. Pass by regularly to see if there was any change.